Do Turtles Need a Heat Lamp at Night

Do Turtles Need a Heat Lamp at Night?

It has been more than 20 years, and I still remember the moment when I got my first pet. It was a turtle. A red-eared slider if I have to be precise. 

I wasn’t that excited! I was expecting a dog, and I got a turtle. However, little did I know that a turtle will become my favorite animal. 

From the moment I’ve got it, I’ve obsessively started to research, eager to learn more about these fascinating animals. I’ve learned a lot, some from theory, some from keeping the turtle itself. 

I’ve learned the importance of good filtration, the importance of a healthy diet, and the importance of a good lighting system. The last one is the one we are going to talk about in this article. Just one segment of it, to be precise. 

Do turtles need a heat lamp at night? It’s probably why you are here, after all. 

In this guide, I’ll give you the short answer, and later on explain it in more detail. If the short answer helps you, great. If not, continue to read. 

Let’s get started! 

Do Turtles Need a Heat Lamp at Night? 

No, turtles don’t need a heat lamp at night. You should try to mimic the natural cycle of day and night. However, you should have a water heater in the tank if the temperature in the room fluctuates a lot. 

That was the short answer to the question. Now, let’s dive deeper into the topic. 

What Is a Heat Lamp? 

A heat lamp is an electrical device that emits infrared radiation. It’s often used as a source of heat for pets that don’t have internal body thermoregulation. All reptiles, including turtles, need a heat lamp to live a healthy and long life. 

Why Do Turtles Need a Heat Lamp? 

Turtles are cold-blooded animals which means that they depend on external sources of heat to maintain their body temperature. 

In the wild, aquatic turtles spend part of the day basking in the sunlight. 

The sunlight is a life to the turtles. 

It helps them raise their body temperature, it plays a major role in their mood, activity, and breeding, and most importantly it’s essential for vitamin D3 production. 

As you have seen, the heat lamp should be an essential part of your turtle habitat. 

Related Questions 

Do red eared sliders need a heat lamp at night? 

Red-eared sliders don’t need a light at night. All aquatic turtles, including the red-eared slider turtle, need a normal day and night cycle. 

Does my turtle need a heat lamp 24 7? 

Turtles don’t need a heat lamp 24 7. Unless the temperature in the room you keep the turtle falls below 70 degrees, you won’t need to run the lights 24 7. 

Should I turn off the heat lamp at night? 

Yes, the lights in your turtle tank should be turned off during the night. 

Do turtles need a heat lamp?

Turtles need a heat lamp. They are cold-blooded animals which means that they depend on external sources of heat to maintain their body temperature. 

Final Thoughts 

Turtles don’t need a light at night. Don’t worry, they’ll just do fine. 

I assume you have a heater in the tank that regulates the temperature in the water. Or a room where the temperature does not fluctuate a lot. 

If that’s the case, that’s all you need to do to ensure your turtle stays healthy, happy, and active. 

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